Make Customer Service Your Most Valuable Asset This Holiday Season

Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by David

Top 10 tips on the best ways to help customers this holiday season

The following is an excerpt from a post written by our Co-Founder for BigCommerce. You can find the full post here. Remember to check out Re:amaze for all of your customer service needs.

While the holiday season is a great time for friends and families to get together, it’s a double edged sword for many growing businesses.

On the one hand, it’s an once-in-a-year opportunity to run promotions, launch new campaigns to acquire new customers, and ramp up for a long running revenue train to start the new year.

On the other hand, the holiday season is also cause for pain and headaches when it comes to inventory management, high-volume shipping, advertising cost planning, and of course, customer service.

When it comes to customer service, businesses that are in the thick of tons of marketing and sales activities can easily become disoriented and, for the lack of a better term, distracted.

Much like a school of piranhas engaged in a feeding frenzy, customers are more alert, more touchy, and much more anxious when it comes to buying and waiting for their online purchases.

This makes online businesses prone to customers’ negative feedback and god forbid, negative reviews.

Not only do businesses need to be better understand customer mindsets during the holiday but they also need to be better prepared.

And yes, this is much easier said than done.

So rather than providing a short list of warnings, we’re here to dissect common patterns during holiday season customer service and what you can actually do to not get distracted and disoriented.

To make this article the only thing you need to read this holiday season on the topic of customer service, we’ve gone ahead and read some of the most useful articles already written by other outlets, accumulated a few key statistics (you really only need to know a few), and distilled the best practices down to their core essence.

Let’s get started (continue reading).

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