You Can Now Train Intents Inside the Conversation View

Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Tony Fowler

As you may know, Re:amaze intents are an important feature we offer our customers. An “intent” is defined as a “customer intent” and can vary from situation to situation. Some common intents ecommerce businesses tend to encounter include

  • Intent to return
  • Questions about shipping intent
  • Refund or exchange intent
  • Product issue or complaint intent
  • Upgrade, pause or cancel subscription intent
  • Pricing question intent

Re:amaze Intents are designed to allow the user to find individual customer messages that express intents, categorize and group them together, analyze future messages, predict if those messages match an intent, and perform automated actions based on the prediction. 

This is still accurate, only now Re:amaze customers have the ability to train intents inside the conversation view. Users will now see a new “Train an Intent” metaline feature on a customer message. When a user selects this option, it will open a modal for intent training purposes. 


This update aims to make Re:amaze Intents even more accurate in their analysis and predictions. Therefore perform more accurate automated actions. To use this feature simply watch the quick video above or go to any conversation > click on the three dots > train intent > select intent and that’s all.