Updated Tags Report

Last Updated on October 24, 2016 by David

Tagging your customer conversations is one of the most important processes to integrate into your workflow. By tagging conversations consistently you’ll start to build out a better picture of your business’ overall health and performance of your support team.

The beauty with tags is that you can also integrate them into your workflow automation as well as your contact forms. See a sample recipe here. If you need a refresher on workflows, get one here.

Tagging is in the process of getting a major revamp including things like editable tags, drag and drop tags, etc. We’re starting this process by beefing up the tags report. Previously, the tags report gave you a birds-eye-view of the active tags being used by your support team. With the changes we’re making today, you can now see your tags sorted by the most commonly used tags first. You can also group them by granularity to make it easier to manage. You can also search for a specific tag using the search box.

Let us know if you have any feedback and we look forward to showing you all what’s coming next!