Specific Country Targeting For Re:amaze Workflows

Last Updated on May 1, 2020 by David

You can now create automated workflows in Re:amaze with specific country targeting conditions.

Country targeting via workflows can work for all channels such as email, chat, and even social media as long as the contact’s IP address data stored in Re:amaze.

  • If a contact has chatted with you before Re:amaze would have their IP address and therefore location so you can run country targeted workflows
  • If a contact is SSO’d within your app or store and they contact you Re:amaze would have their IP address so you can run country targeted workflows
  • If a customer messages you on Facebook and their Facebook profile is merged with a profile with IP address data in Re:amaze, you may run country targeted workflows

This type of workflow will not work when Re:amaze does not have a customer’s IP address.

To add this to your existing workflows or to create a new workflow around this new condition, go to Re:amaze Settings > Automation > Workflows and select “Customer Location” as the condition.