Re:amaze Shoutbox Updates

Last Updated on February 28, 2018 by David

We’ve been hard at work iterating on the Re:amaze Shoutbox interface. The following changes represent a new direction for where the Shoutbox is headed: more presence, a better profile for your business, and more fluidity in starting conversations regardless of the contact mode.

Social Profiles and Animated Labels

Your Re:amaze Shoutbox will now automatically show the social media accounts you’ve connected to your Re:amaze account. Labels such as Name, Email, or any custom fields now support a zoom animation and field names are persistent so customers always know what they’re filling out.

Theme Colors and Custom Fields

The theme color you pick for your Shoutbox will now be applied to customer messages as well for a more immersive experience. If you’re using the name and email required contact mode, Re:amaze will hold the customer’s first message as “Not Sent Yet” until they provide their name and email. Once a name and email is entered, the message will be delivered to the support team immediately.