Introducing FAQ Article Feedback Voting!

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 by David

Knowing whether your FAQ content is helpful (or not) can be an immense help for businesses that rely on the FAQ to provide up to date guidance for customers. A helpful article can benefit from additional polish while unhelpful articles can be updated promptly to provide the value that was originally intended. Allowing your customers to vote on any given article’s helpfulness is an essential way to get a pulse on how they’re reacting to the content you’re preparing.

We’re excited to announce this brand new feature for the Re:amaze FAQ! Starting today, customers on the Re:amaze Plus Plan can now enable article feedback to allow their FAQ readers to vote on whether or not an article was helpful or not.

If you’re on a Plus Plan and would like to enable Article Feedback, click on Settings > Brands and check the box next to “Enable Article Feedback”.

Once enabled, customers will be able to upvote or downvote individual published articles. This applies to the FAQ article viewer within your hosted FAQ page, the embedded FAQ, as well as the FAQ app within your chat widget.

When customers actively provide feedback and vote on your FAQ articles, you’ll be able to synthesize the data collected by accessing the FAQ Report. This report shows you the number of upvotes and downvotes your articles are getting at a glance, giving you instant access to articles that need further updating. You can also sort by either positive feedback or negative feedback!