Introducing Embeddable Re:amaze Push Notification Prompts

Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Tony Fowler

We’ve added a brand new embeddable to Re:amaze’s suite of website integrations! Introducing Push Prompts!

If you’ve been using Re:amaze Push Campaigns, you know how important it is to build up an audience. Prior to Push Prompts, we’ve advised you to create a Cue in order to ask customers if they would like to receive push notifications from your business. With Push Prompts you now have access to a pre-built user interface designed to ask customers if they would like to receive push notifications.

Push Prompts will take on the same theme color as your Re:amaze Chat widget with customization options such as font, button text, body text, and support for emojis. If you do not currently use Re:amaze Chat, you may still use Re:amaze Push Prompts. However, the theme color will be set to the default Re:amaze Blue.

Installing Re:amaze Push Prompts

Getting started with Push Prompts is easy. Simply click on your account settings and look for “Push Prompts” under Website Integrations. Then click on the brand you would like to add a Push Prompt for.

To configure your Push Prompt embed, give it a title, customize the message you would like to convey, set your action buttons, and select the number of hours you would like to wait before the system asks the customer again!

By default, customers will immediately see the Push Prompt when they first visit your website.

When you’re ready, you may publish the Push Prompt to your website through 1-click publishing for Shopify and BigCommerce. You may also publish to your website using Google Tag Manager or by manually adding the Push Prompt HTML script.

Previewing Your Push Prompt

When your Push Prompt is published and/or installed, you may test it by opening your website in an incognito browser window.

Clicking on the “Yes” option in the example above will trigger the browser to prompt the user to allow notifications from your business! That’s it!