Google Business Messages Integration For Re:amaze

Last Updated on July 19, 2023 by David

Do you have a Google My Business listing for your business? If so, you’re probably intimately familiar with Google Business Messages. When you list your physical business on Google Maps, customers are able to message you live through Google Business Messages. Traditionally, you’ve had to use Google Business tools to respond to these messages, leaving yet another communications channel siloed within itself.

With the Google Business Messages integration for Re:amaze, you can now connect your Google My Business and Google Business Messages account to Re:amaze and manage customer chats, reviews, and locations all within your existing Re:amaze unified inbox. Google Business Messages conversations will appear alongside your other connected channels such as email, live chat, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

To get started with Google Business Messages for Re:amaze, please be sure to read our step by step guide here:

If you don’t currently have a Google My Business profile to enable for Google Business Messages, please get started here: