Faith Based Digital Media Company, Lightgliders, Streamlines Customer Support with Re:amaze and Reduces Response Times by 17.5%

Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Tony Fowler

Today, we’re interviewing Carrie Lickteig from Lightgliders. Carrie is Lightgliders’ Customer Service Team Lead and Marketing Director and wears multiple hats to ensure Lightgliders customer feel safe, valued, and appreciated.

Lightgliders started using Re:amaze in 2018 and has had phenomenal success in streamlining their customer service processes with Re:amaze tools. We’ve asked Carrie to shed some light on Lightgliders’ unique background story, their product offerings, and how they use Re:amaze on a daily basis.

R: What is Lightgliders?

C: Lightgliders is a digital world filled with games and activities for kids to encourage faith, values, and conversations during the critical pre-teenage years. We offer parents and their children a digital world of Christian faith, fun, and games that is available on phones, tablets, and computers. It is a multiplayer computer game and mobile app filled with games, videos, and interactive activities.

R: Why was Lightgliders created?

C: We created Lightgliders to positively impact kids before their teenage years in a culturally relevant manner. Fundamental perspectives on truth, morality, purpose, and faith are firmly in place before the teenage years.

Lightgliders offers a fun way to engage the kids you care about during their most critical years. Everything in the story, content, and gameplay was designed to teach a biblical worldview, to encourage prayer and reflection, to cast a vision for real-world service, and to spark conversations about life’s most important questions.

R: What types of problems did you need to solve for when it came to customer service and support?

C: We have thousands of customers (mostly parents but also from kids playing the games) and needed to streamline responding to customers within a timely manner and unify our response language across our team members so regardless of who responded to a particular request, the response from our team felt the same. Re:amaze’s response templates, customizable interface, full-featured FAQ system with chatbots really allowed us to implement the customer experience we wanted.

More importantly, we needed a way to more easily and accurately track customer inquiries, manage who was responding to that customer, and make sure they were responded to in a timely manner. With a small customer service team team primarily working remotely, we needed to be able to see who was handling which requests. One of Re:amaze strongest features is the shared inbox and we utilize everything from assignments to automated workflows, and from real time views to insertable templates.

R: What led you to Re:amaze?

C: We wanted to be able to easily integrate with our Shopify store as well as our payment system for recurring subscriptions (Stripe), and offer our customers real time chat and searchable solutions via a fully customized FAQ page/help site. In addition, we hoped to be able to pull in our customer’s data via seamless integration with Stripe so we could us the helpdesk in place of a lite CRM system. The integration with RingCentral was a bonus we weren’t expecting!

R: What differences have you seen after adopting Re:amaze?

C: We have cut our response time by 17.5% and have decreased our time spent managing and logging customer requests by 16.1%.

R: Any final last words for people to know about your Re:amaze experience?

C: Definitely give Re:amaze a shot because it’s really more than what the eye sees. There are so many features built into the platform. Re:amaze was also the only customer service solution that allowed us to offer an array of services to our customers for an appropriate price.