Adding Quick Responses to Re:amaze Cue Action Buttons

Last Updated on June 1, 2019 by David

There are times when you want to message customers automatically but also want them to take action immediately. If there’s a piece of information or action you want them to take without starting a full conversation, giving customers to communicate using a short reply is extremely handy.

As a result, we’ve added “Quick Responses” to Re:amaze Action Buttons. In addition to being able to add buttons that will link customers to a different page and adding custom JavaScript powered actions, you can now choose the “Quick Response” option to allow customers to select a desired quick reply. Quick Responses are helpful in that it provides your agents the customer’s exact intent immediately.

When customers select a quick reply option, their selection will be sent to your team as a message so your team can follow up instantly.

However, if you want to automate this further into a chatbot-like experience, Quick Responses will be most effective when used with an automated workflow to program a pre-drafted response.

Simply set the Triggers to:

  1. Cue Message contains “your message”
  2. Message Body contains “your quick response text”