Forwarding Emails To Reamaze

We're introducing a nifty little feature to help you better manage existing conversations living in environments outside of Reamaze. Several ...
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Introducing Knowledge Base

We're super excited to introduce another one of our internal tools to our beta users! But we before we talk ...
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Finding Flirtatious Lifetime Value (FLV)

Today, Thursday the 10th, is a great day for some funny maths. How long do you need to flirt with ...
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Customer Support Origins

The origins of customer support always seem to be an organic one. As soon as you bring a product to ...
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Pre-Beta Warm-Up: Responsive Mobile UI

We love responsive designs. Reamaze looks beautiful and works brilliantly whether you're on your laptop, tablet, or phone. Take a ...
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How To: Building Great Customer Support Cultures

Back at the startup where I used to work, everyone did customer support. Every new hire, whether bizdev, sales, pm, ...
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Pre-Beta Warm-Up: Tagging Conversations

We've added conversation tagging to help y'all keep track of what's important and what needs prioritization. If you log in ...
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Pre-Beta Warm-Up: Reamaze’s Conversations Module

Part of building a great conversations management process is being able to offer outstanding customer support. Customer support is where ...
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On Not Understanding the Needs of Your Customers

I want to share some of my experiences from talking to potential customers about trying out Reamaze. Sales have never ...
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Example segments to help you engage your users

Macro conversion funnels for SaaS apps usually look something like this: Visits site Signs up (either directly or through trial/free) ...
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