WooCommerce Orders Can Now Be Pinned to Conversations

Last Updated on June 9, 2023 by Tony Fowler

The newest feature update was just released, and we hope you are as excited about it as we are! You can now pin WooCommerce orders to conversations in Re:amaze.  This means you will be able to manage customer inquiries and orders that correlate to the specific inquiry or conversations.  This allows for a much more seamless workflow while involving customer orders.

Pin Order to Conversation

Pinned Orders to Conversation

This makes conversations with customers run smoothly when they ask about a particular order. You can pin that specific order for the conversation, and it will stay put until you unpin it. You have quick access to the specific order being discussed and will no longer have to continuously search through orders. It allows easy organization and simple workflow management when working with customers’ orders.

Do keep in mind that when you are pinning a WooCommerce order, you can only pin one at a time. So, if you need to pin another order in a conversation, you will have to remove the previous pinned order. 

To access this feature, go into a conversation and scroll down to the WooCommerce Widget on the right-hand side. In the WooCommerce Widget, click on the 2nd gear icon and select “Pin to Conversation”. If the order you are wanting to pin is not the order displaying, click on the 1st gear icon and select “Search Orders” and search for the order you want. You then will be able to click on the gear icon and select “Pin to Conversation”. When you no longer need to pin the specific order you can either click the 2nd gear icon (the Settings icon) and select “Unpin From Conversation” or in the prompted message in yellow, you can click the link in blue that says “Unpin”. Have your teams start utilizing this feature today so that there are more productive workflows for the reps and easier cross-team collaboration.
Screenshot of both gear icons on the WooCommerce widget on the right-hand side to pin or unpin a conversation.